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Lapis Lazuli Crystal Pyramid Large 6.9cm

Lapis Lazuli Crystal Pyramid Large 6.9cm

Reference Number: 19103

Dimensions: 6.9cm wide square base, 5.1cm tall

Regular price £64.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £64.00 GBP
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Large Lapis Lazuli Crystals For Sale

This gorgeous, high-grade Large Lapis Lazuli Crystal Pyramid displays a 6.9cm wide square base and showcases the beautiful deep blue and gold colouring which Lapis Lazuli has been revered for since pre-history. 

Lapis Lazuli Crystals show off a gorgeous range of blue hues including sky-blues, royal-blues, azure-blues and ultramarine-blues, whilst Gold Pyrite bestows glorious speckles and swirls of luxurious metallic gold flakes upon the Blue Gemstone

White Calcite dances across the celestial blues and golds of Lapis Lazuli Stone in striking white and grey flecks and mottled patterns. 

The Natural Lapis Lazuli Stone has been carefully cut into a smooth large blue crystal pyramid shape and hand-polished to create a Large Polished Lapis Lazuli Pyramid Crystal with a free-standing square base, polished faces, and sharp pointed tip. 

Lapis Lazuli Birthstone And Gemstone

Lapis Lazuli is a September Birthstone that can be used as an alternative to Blue Sapphire.

Lapis Lazuli is a Zodiac Stone for Libras (those born between September 23rd and October 22nd). 

What Is Lapis Lazuli Made Of? 

Lapis Lazuli is an opaque blue stone or blue rock, classed as a blue semi-precious stone, which is composed from many different minerals, primarily Blue Lazurite and Gold Pyrite, and often White Calcite as well. 

Lapis Lazuli can also contain minerals such as Augite and Mica, among many others. 

Lapis Lazuli, Lazurite, And Sodalite: Blue Minerals, Rocks, And Gems

Lazurite is the main blue mineral which gives Lapis Lazuli its signature blue hue: it is a tectosilicate mineral and member of the Sodalite group of minerals

Lazurite is very similar to Sodalite, the mineral which shares its name with the Sodalite group of minerals to which both Lazurite and Sodalite belong. 

Sodalite can be distinguished from these other blue minerals and rocks by its more royal blue hue compared to the ultramarine blue of Lapis Lazuli and Lazurite, as well as its lack of Gold Pyrite Inclusions, amongst other differentiating factors. 

However, Sodalite is oft compared to Lapis Lazuli, and in fact Sodalite is sometimes referred to as "Canadian Lapis Lazuli" or "Canadian Blue Stone" on account of the similarities between the blue gemstones

Gold Pyrite Inclusions In Lapis Lazuli

Gold Pyrite (sometimes referred to as Iron Pyrite or Fool's Gold) is the gold mineral which bestows luxurious, metallic flakes of gold upon the celestial blue base of Lapis Lazuli Stone in glorious swirls and speckles.  

Pyrite is an Iron Sulfide Mineral with a gold-coloured metallic lustre, and it is often mistaken for real gold: this phenomenon inspired Pyrite's nickname "Fool's Gold".  

Where Does Lapis Lazuli Come From?

Lapis Lazuli is mainly found in Afghanistan. 

Lapis Lazuli History

Lapis Lazuli has a vast, storied history which has influenced religion, culture, and art for millennia. 

The history of Lapis Lazuli extends from it being used to make pre-historic tomb decorations and artefacts as far back as 7570 BCE, to its revered status as a religious symbol in the jewellery of diverse ancient civilisations such as Ancient Egypt, to its use as the prized natural blue pigment Ultramarine in Renaissance Art and Baroque Paintings, and to its continued popularity as a blue gemstone in modernity. 

Lapis Lazuli Name Meaning

The name Lapis Lazuli translates variously to "Blue Stone", "Heaven Stone", or "Sky Stone". 

The word 'Lazuli' is derived from the Latin term 'Lazulum', which in turn originates from the Ancient Persian word for heaven or sky, on account of the heavenly sky-blue shade of the stone. 

Lapis Lazuli is often abbreviated to just Lapis

Lapis Lazuli In Ancient Civilisations And Lapis Lazuli In Religion

Lapis Lazuli's story begins in pre-history, many thousands of years ago, when it was mined in Ancient Afghanistan and traded with pre-historic communities such as those of Bhiranna (located in modern day India), where Lapis Lazuli Beads dating back to 7570 BC have been found at archaeological sites. 

Lapis Lazuli was consequently prized by the ensuing Ancient Indus Valley Civilisation (spanning parts of modern day India, Afganistan, and Pakistan), and the reverence for this stone spread to other burgeoning early civilisations such as Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt.  

Lapis Lazuli is an important religious symbol, both in the historical religions of ancient civilisations such as Ancient Sumeria and Ancient Egypt, as well as in religions such as Buddhism and Christianity

Lapis Lazuli In Ancient Egypt

Perhaps most famously, Lapis Lazuli was very important in Ancient Egypt, alongside other semi-precious stones like Malachite

Lapis Lazuli In Ancient Egypt: Protection Stone And Stone Of Royalty

Lapis Lazuli was used as a Stone of Protection in Ancient Egypt: Lapis Lazuli was crafted into amulets, beads, and jewellery which could be worn for protection and to symbolise wealth, royalty, and status.

Lapis Lazuli Ornaments such as Lapis Lazuli Scarabs were believed to be Good Luck Stones, and Lapis Lazuli was thus carved into many different decorative shapes and ornaments, such as Lapis Lazuli Bowls and Lapis Lazuli Statues (the statues often depicted heavenly deities). 

Many such Lapis Lazuli Ornaments and Lapis Lazuli Amulets can be found decorating the tombs of Pharaohs

Lapis Lazuli was also used cosmetically in Ancient Egypt by royalty, for example it was crushed to form the blue eyeshadow used by Cleopatra: similarly, Malachite was crushed into powder to make green eyeshadow in Ancient Egypt. 

Lapis Lazuli In Ancient Egypt: Stone Of The Sky And Heavens 

Lapis Lazuli had important religious and spiritual symbolism in Ancient Egyptian Civilisation: the celestial blue and gold colouring of the stone, which resembled the starry night sky, was believed to symbolise the Heavens.

More specifically, Lapis Lazuli was said to represent the primordial Ancient Egyptian Sky Goddess Nut (Nuit), originally Goddess of the Night Sky, and eventually considered to be the Goddess of the Sky and Heavens, including the stars and broader cosmos and universe. 

Dark Blue Lapis Lazuli was especially prized in Ancient Egypt because of its stronger association with the night sky, a key symbol of the Goddess Nut

Lapis Lazuli In Ancient Egypt: Stone Of Life, Death, And Rebirth

Much like Malachite, Lapis Lazuli was believed by the Ancient Egyptians to be a stone representing life, death, and rebirth

As Lapis Lazuli was such a rare and expensive gemstone, the stone was reserved for royalty: Lapis Lazuli was used to decorate the burial chambers of royals and High Priests, perhaps most notably in the death mask of Tutankhamun, the famed Pharaoh.

Lapis Lazuli In Ancient Egypt: Stone Of Truth And Stone Of Wisdom

Lapis Lazuli was also associated with the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Truth, Maat: it is said that Lapis Lazuli engraved with symbols of Maat was worn by Judges in Ancient Egypt.

Consequently, Lapis Lazuli Crystals are heavily associated with the concepts of truth and wisdom, and Lapis Lazuli has come to be known as a Stone of Truth and Stone of Wisdom (the "Wisdom Keeper"). 

Lapis Lazuli Art And Paintings: Lapis Lazuli Pigments And Blue Ultramarine Pigments

Lapis Lazuli was prized by artists of the Renaissance and Baroque eras of Art History (the 15th and 16th centuries during the Renaissance Art period, and up until the 1750s in the Baroque Art Period). 

Lapis Lazuli was crushed and ground to create a stunning blue pigment that could be used as bright blue powder paint for painting: Lapis Lazuli Pigments were classed as the pigment colour Ultramarine

The Ultramarine Pigment created from Lapis Lazuli soon became the most expensive blue pigment in the world due to its rarity and prized blue hue, and was used in tempera painting and oil painting, especially to paint frescoes. 

Perhaps the most famous example of the use of Ultramarine Pigment made from Lapis Lazuli in Renaissance Art is that of Michelangelo's frescoes painted on the ceilings of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. 

Lapis Lazuli Crystal Healing Properties

Lapis Lazuli Crystals have long been believed to be powerful Crystal Healing Stones, and are said to have a wide variety of metaphysical properties and crystal healing powers

Some of the key metaphysical properties and spiritual meanings associated with Lapis Lazuli are; wisdom, truth, mental clarity, mental and spiritual awareness, harmony, balance, peace, and protection. 

Lapis Lazuli: Medicine Stone And Crystal Healing Stone

Lapis Lazuli has been used by many cultures, religions, and civilisations throughout history as a medicine stone to relieve suffering.

Lapis Lazuli Stones are deeply symbolic of compassionate healing and medicine, and can be used as Crystal Healing Stones for many purposes. 

In Buddhism, the Medicine Buddha (Buddha Of Healing And Medicine) is symbolised by Lapis Lazuli: the Healing Buddha is the King of Lapis Lazuli Light, or Buddha of Pure Lapis Lazuli, and radiates pure Lapis Lazuli blue shining healing light that can relieve suffering and pain, heal illnesses of the mind, body, and soul, and ensure good health and prosperity. 

Lapis Lazuli: Stone Of Wisdom (The Wisdom Keeper)

Lapis Lazuli is a Stone of Wisdom known as the "Wisdom Keeper": Lapis Lazuli Crystals are said to heighten mental awareness and acuity, thereby gifting its user with increased wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and problem-solving abilities. 

Lapis Lazuli, by enabling clarity of mind, can guide its user to find meaning and direction in their life, and is therefore a great Crystal Healing Stone for those who feel lost, stuck, or in need of guidance. 

Through accepting the wisdom and understanding gained from using a Lapis Lazuli Healing Crystal, one can become self-assured and confident and gain a sense of inner peace, calm, and serenity from knowing that they are on the right path. 

Lapis Lazuli: Stone Of Truth And Stone Of Clarity

Lapis Lazuli can be used as a Stone of Truth and Stone of Clarity, illuminating the way forward during difficult, uncertain times. 

Therefore, Lapis Lazuli can be used as a Crystal Healing Stone for Anxiety and Stress, especially when the anxiety is coming from a place of indecision, confusion, or inability to find a solution to a problem. 

Lapis Lazuli: Stone Of Peace And Stone Of Balance

Lapis Lazuli Crystals have a calming, peaceful aura that exudes a sense of serene wisdom: they are wonderful meditation crystals, and help one find their sense of inner peace and serenity.

Lapis Lazuli Stones, as Stones of Peace, are perfect crystal healing stones for those going through stressful and turbulent times, who are in need of a healing crystal that can offer a feeling of balance, harmony, and stability

Lapis Lazuli: Stone Of Protection And Good Luck Stone

Lapis Lazuli has been used for millennia as a potent Protection Stone and Good Luck Stone, in civilisations as diverse as Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, and modern civilisations around the world. 

Lapis Lazuli can be used as a Stone of Protection against misfortune, harm, and bad luck. 

Lapis Lazuli: Stone Of Royalty, Abundance Stone And Stone Of Prosperity

Lapis Lazuli has, since ancient times, been a stone representing royalty, wealth, success, and high status. 

Lapis Lazuli is therefore a powerful Abundance Stone which can help its user attract success and good luck in their lives. 

Lapis Lazuli is a Stone of Prosperity, inspiring a sense of regal wisdom and awareness that guides one down a positive life path towards personal prosperity and success. 

Lapis Lazuli: Religious Stone Of Divinity And Stone Of Spiritual Awareness

Lapis Lazuli Stones are deeply spiritual crystals that have long been symbolic of divinity and spiritual enlightenment, and have been prized by many different religions around the world and throughout history.  

Lapis Lazuli is a powerful religious symbol associated with the souls of deities, gods, and goddesses; protection from the heavens and in the underworld; spiritual wisdom, knowledge, and awareness, and more broadly; royalty, wealth, and power.

As a Crystal Healing Stone, Lapis Lazuli can heal rifts and blockages in spiritual and divine connections, and can help its user to harness the powers of their own spirituality and religious devotion. 

Lapis Lazuli Healing Crystals can be used by religious or spiritual people to connect more deeply to their own beliefs, energies, and higher powers

Lapis Lazuli Chakras

Lapis Lazuli resonates strongly with both the Throat Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra.

Lapis Lazuli: Throat Chakra Stone

Lapis Lazuli, as a blue semi precious stone, is commonly used with the Throat Chakra, where Lapis Lazuli is believed to act as a Stone of Communication

When Lapis Lazuli is used as a Throat Chakra Crystal, the stone is thought to enhance communication and speech, much like other blue crystals and blue gemstones like Amazonite, Sodalite, and Chrysocolla

When Lapis Lazuli is used as a Throat Chakra Stone, the blue crystal is said to help its user to speak clearly and confidently, meaning this stone is helpful for all orators, teachers, and educators. 

Lapis Lazuli is a Stone of Truth and Stone of Wisdom, and is thus also believed to help users identify and speak the truth and retain their authenticity when used as a Throat Chakra Crystal: for this reason, Lapis Lazuli pairs well with Chrysocolla, which is sometimes called the "Wise Stone", on account of its affinity for truth, wisdom, and knowledge. 

Lapis Lazuli: Third Eye Chakra Stone

Lapis Lazuli also resonates strongly with the Third Eye Chakra, one of the two higher chakras

Strongly associated with wisdom, intellect, and creativity, and known as a Stone of Wisdom or the "Wisdom Keeper", Lapis Lazuli can be used as a Third Eye Chakra Crystal to gain inspiration, focus, and clarity of mind.

Lapis Lazuli, when used as a Third Eye Chakra Stone, is great for enhancing self-awareness and more specifically can help improve one's intuition and understanding of themselves and others: this helps to create a sense of calm and serenity in its user. 

As a Third Eye Chakra Crystal, Lapis Lazuli can be used to access spiritual guidance and wisdom that can positively influence the choices one makes and the path one takes in life. 

Lapis Lazuli Crystals can be used as Third Eye Chakra Crystals to connect to spiritual planes and psychic energies, helping their users to ascend to higher levels of consciousness and achieve transcendence.

Deeply spiritual in energy, Lapis Lazuli is similar in psychic properties to other Third Eye Chakra Stones such as Amethyst, Indigo Gabbro (Mystic Merlinite), and Fluorite

How Hard Is Lapis Lazuli?

Lapis Lazuli measures 5 to 5.5 on the Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness, which means that it is a somewhat durable mineral with some resistance to scratching, but it is still a softer mineral than harder minerals such as Quartz, Agate and Jasper.

Care should be taken not to damage the crystal surface.

Lapis Lazuli Crystal Care

To clean your Lapis Lazuli crystal, simply use a soft cloth to give it a dry wipe: you can use a little bit of water to cleanse Lapis Lazuli, but avoid using salt water and try to minimise the amount of water you use, for example by simply using a slightly damp cloth. 

It is not recommended to soak Lapis Lazuli in water because prolonged submersion in water can cause the stone to crack and break.

It is especially important to avoid using salt water to clean Lapis Lazuli as this can rapidly dissolve the stone and cause even more damage. 

Lapis Lazuli Crystal Safety

It is perfectly safe to handle and hold Lapis Lazuli

It is not safe to drink Lapis Lazuli crystal elixirs or gem elixirs containing Lapis Lazuli because some minerals inside the Lapis Lazuli Stone dissolve in water, releasing elements into the water which are not safe for human consumption.

Lapis Lazuli Crystal Collections 

This Large Lapis Lazuli Crystal Pyramid would make a wonderful crystal gift for history lovers or crystal lovers, or for those who simply love the appearance of this electrifying celestial blue and gold crystal heart.

It is no wonder why this beautiful blue semi-precious stone has remained so popular over millennia, considering its mesmerising aesthetics, storied history, and powerful metaphysical properties.

Crystal Pyramids are wonderful as Crystal Display Pieces and make for unique home decor/ furnishings. 

A Large Lapis Lazuli Pyramid Crystal would be a fantastic addition to any crystal collection, and is especially special for anyone born with the Libra Zodiac Sign or in September, as it is both a Libra Zodiac Stone and September Birthstone

Buy Lapis Lazuli Crystals Online now at Madagascan Direct. 

Product Reference Number: 19103

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