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Carnelian Agate Crystal Pebble Large 7.9cm

Carnelian Agate Crystal Pebble Large 7.9cm

Reference Number: 16278

Dimensions: 7.9cm long, 5.6cm wide, 3.2cm deep

Regular price £24.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £24.00 GBP
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Carnelian Agate Crystals For Sale From Madagascar (Cornelian Agate Crystals)

This gorgeous Large Carnelian Agate Crystal Pebble (also known as a Large Cornelian Agate Crystal Pebble or Large Carnelian Agate Crystal Palm Stone) measures 7.9cm long and displays fierce, fiery orange and red colours, with patterns similar to Sardonyx and Banded Agate

Carnelian gemstones are orange semi precious stones that showcase an array of hues ranging from volcanic reds to burnt orange hues contrasted with white and cream colours, and sometimes display striking banded and orbicular patterns. 

Carnelian Agate is a unique form of Carnelian which displays stunning Banded Agate patterns with the Carnelian

The natural Carnelian Agate Stone (Cornelian Agate Stone) has been carefully cut and polished into a smooth, tactile large crystal pebble shape or large crystal palm stone shape, creating a striking Large Carnelian Agate Pebble or Large Carnelian Agate Palm Stone

Please note: this piece displays some small natural pits on its otherwise smooth, polished surface. 

Where Does Carnelian Come From? 

This Carnelian Agate Crystal is a crystal from Madagascar, a country renowned for its high-quality Carnelian Agate crystals

Madagascar is an island off the coast of Africa known for its unparalleled riches of fossils and crystals

What Type Of Crystal Is Carnelian?

Carnelian, also known as Cornelian, is a member of the Chalcedony group of stones, which in turn is a member of the larger Quartz family of minerals.

Carnelian is a unique type of red and orange Chalcedony, and the distinctive fiery colours present in Carnelian are caused by iron impurities (iron oxide/ hematite) within the inner Quartz crystal structure

Carnelian can be very similar in appearance to other Red Chalcedony Varieties such as Banded Agate, Red Jasper, Sard, and Sardonyx, and Banded Carnelian Stones can form strikingly unique Carnelian Agate Stones

What Is Carnelian Made Of? 

All types of Quartz, including microcrystalline Chalcedony, of which Carnelian is a form of, are composed from silica (otherwise known as silicon dioxide), and are therefore classed as Silicate Minerals

Chalcedony Crystals are microcrystalline in crystal structure, which means that they form crystals that are too small to be visible to the naked eye. 

Other types of Chalcedony Gemstones include Agate, a translucent/ semi-translucent form of Banded Chalcedony, and Jasper, the opaque variety of Chalcedony

Carnelian History

Carnelian has been used as a semi precious gem throughout history, in many different ancient cultures and civilisations. 

Carnelian, Chalcedony, and Agate specimens have been found in pre-historic archaeological sites, as well as at the excavated sites of ancient civilisations such as Ancient Sumeria, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Indus Valley Civilisations, and Ancient Greece and Rome

Carnelian Name Meaning And Origins

There is some dispute over the exact origins of the name Carnelian (which is also spelled sometimes as Cornelian). 

One theory as to the origin of the name Carnelian is that it is derived from the Latin word "cornum", after the Cornel Cherry, a fruit which resembles Carnelian with its reddish hue and translucence. 

The other prevailing theory as to the origin of the name Carnelian is that it is derived from the Latin word "carne", meaning flesh, owing to the fleshy colours of Carnelian

Carnelian Gemstones And Jewellery In Prehistoric Times

Carnelian, along with gemstones such as Lapis Lazuli and Malachite, is one of the oldest gems ever to be used to make jewellery.

Carnelian Beads have been found at archaeological sites of pre-historic settlements, and many such pre-historic Carnelian Beads have been intricately crafted into Faceted Carnelian Beads, evidencing some of the first known human crafting of harder minerals into jewellery

Some of the oldest Carnelian Jewellery specimens discovered date back to the Neolithic Period (otherwise known as the New Stone Age), for example at the Varna Necropolis in Bulgaria, where Faceted Red Carnelian Beads have been found that date back to around 4500 years BC, during the time of Pre-Historic Europe

Carnelian In Ancient Egypt

In Ancient Egypt, Carnelian was of great spiritual and aesthetic importance, much like other semi-precious stones such as Lapis Lazuli and Malachite

The red-orange gemstone Carnelian was called the Setting Sun and was believed to symbolise the fiery, passionate energy of the Sun God Ra, as well as the properties of fertility, creation, and healing associated with the Goddess Isis.

Protective amulets and talismans were made from Carnelian, including Scarabs made of Carnelian, which were believed to energise the spirit and offer protection when worn. 

Carnelian Gemstones, Carnelian Amulets, Carnelian Scarabs, Carnelian Jewellery, and Carnelian Decorative Ornaments were used to decorate the tombs of the rich and powerful in Ancient Egypt.

Perhaps most famously, Carnelian was discovered to have decorated the tomb and death mask of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun

Carnelian In Ancient Greece

Carnelian was also a prized gemstone in the civilisations of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

Carnelian was imported from Asia to Greece along trade routes such as the famous Silk Road, which was full of merchants happy to trade Carnelian for other treasures. 

Some of the earliest archaeological discoveries of Carnelian at the remains of ancient civilisations include the Carnelian Artefacts (Carnelian Decorative Ornaments) recovered from the archaeological remains of Knossos in Crete, a vestige of the Ancient Minoan Civilisation which predates Classical Ancient Greece, and is famous for being the setting of the famous Theseus and the Minotaur myth.

The Carnelian Artefacts found at Knossos, Crete date back to the Bronze Age at 1800BC.

Carnelian continued to be a popular gemstone and stone-crafting material as the later civilisations and eras of Ancient Greece flourished and fell, and the Greeks introduced the concept of Carnelian Intaglios which the Romans favoured. 

Carnelian In Ancient Rome: Carnelian Intaglios

After the fall of Ancient Greece and during the rise of Ancient Rome, Carnelian continued to grow in popularity as a gemstone.

The Romans took inspiration from the Ancient Greeks in many aspects of life, including art and culture, and thus they too crafted Carnelian into various decorative ornaments. 

Perhaps most famously, the art of gem carving and gem engraving (Intaglio) came to prominence in Ancient Rome, and many Carnelian Intaglios, Carnelian Seals, and Carnelian Signet Rings were crafted by the Romans.

The hardness of Carnelian Stone lent greater longevity to Carnelian Intaglios/ Carnelian Engravings than when softer stones were used for engraving, and therefore Engraved Carnelian Gems/ Carnelian Intaglios became a very popular component of Roman Signet Rings.

It was discovered that hot wax does not stick to Carnelian, and therefore a Carnelian Intaglio in a Carnelian Signet Ring (Carnelian Seal Ring) could be pressed into hot wax to create a imprint/ seal signature, and then removed from the wax without damaging the Carnelian Gemstone

Carnelian Signet Rings were therefore used to create wax signatures and wax seals which were attached to documents and messages as a signature. 

Carnelian Intaglios that were to be transformed into Carnelian Signet Rings were usually engraved with images that the wearer had a personal connection to; often such images were rich in religious symbolism, allegory, and motifs, for example images of Greek Heroes and Spartan Warriors, or Gods and Goddesses whose aspects the wearer identified with. 

For example, Roman Soldiers could wear protective Carnelian amulets and talismans such as Carnelian Intaglios engraved with images of Mars, the Roman God of War, or heroic figures such as the Greek hero Hercules; such imagery was thought to provide inspiration, bravery, and courage to its wearer. 

Other common images engraved on Roman Carnelian Intaglios were those of the Roman Goddess Fortuna, or Victoria, the Roman personification of Victory; the engraved images of these deities were thought to provide good luck, fortune, success, victory, and protection from the evil eye

Carnelian Birthstone And Zodiac Stone

Carnelian is the Zodiac Birthstone for the Virgo Zodiac Sign, and is an Alternative Birthstone for July

Carnelian is also associated with the Zodiac Sign Aries

Carnelian Crystal Meaning, Spirituality, And Symbolism

Carnelian has powerful spiritual meaning and symbolism in the crystals and gemstones world. 

Carnelian: Stone Of Vitality

Carnelian (Cornelian) is symbolic of the flesh and physical body and of life's blood, and is thus heavily associated with vitality and the essence of life, carnality and physicality, and the feeling of joy. 

Carnelian is the spiritual opposite of higher chakra stones such as Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst, representing the intense, kinetic powers and pleasures of the physical body in contrast to the ethereal nature, quiet wisdom, and meditative contemplation of the mind, soul, and spirit. 

Carnelian Crystals are symbolic of vigour, vitality, desire, and passion, and have thus long been believed to be of great power in the realms of romance, passionate love, and fertility. 

Carnelian: Fire Stone And Fire Element Crystal

Carnelian embodies potent elemental Fire Energy with regards to both the Classical Elements and the Chinese Five Elements (Wuxing/ Five Phases). 

The fiery energy of Carnelian Stones enhances their potent physicality and carnality, which is already symbolised by Carnelian's spiritual connection to the flesh and body. 

Carnelian's Fire Energy infuses the stone with the spirit of bravery, motivation, will-power, imagination, and creativity; symbolising the bravery of experimentation and the courage to try new things by charging into uncertain situations without fear. 

Carnelian: Stone Of Strength, Courage, And Bravery

Carnelian is a Stone of Strength, and has been used as a Protection Stone throughout history. 

Carnelian symbolises courage, bravery, fortitude and resilience, perseverance, victory, and the triumph over fear and adversity. 

Carnelian is a stone for warriors, meant to protect one as they engage in mental or physical battles, gifting them with the strength to overcome obstacles and setbacks in their fights to achieve ultimate success and victory. 

Carnelian: Stone Of Power, Authority, And Royalty

Carnelian is a Stone of Royalty, a status symbol of power, authority, and leadership that has been prized by kings and queens throughout history and various civilisations. 

Carnelian thus has great spiritual significance for leaders and rulers. 

Carnelian: Good Luck Stone And Stone Of Prosperity And Abundance

Carnelian has long been believed to be a Good Luck Stone, a Stone of Prosperity, and a Stone of Abundance.

Carnelian is said to symbolise and attract good luck, fortune, and success (for example, financial success, and prosperity of health and wellbeing).

Consequently, Carnelian has oft been prized for its use as a Protective Talisman or Amulet of Protection, for both its spirit of strength and vitality and its propensity for prosperity and good fortune. 

Carnelian Crystal Healing Properties

Carnelian Crystals are very popular and powerful crystal healing stones

Some of Carnelian's crystal healing properties and crystal healing powers include: 

  • Invigoration of the body and mind; increasing energy levels, reducing tiredness, and lifting low mood


  • Enhancing motivation and will-power; helping one to persevere during times of hardship and adversity, to accomplish goals, and to ultimately attain success


  • Offering the strength, bravery, and courage needed to cope with the challenges one faces during their life


  • Boosting confidence and self-esteem, helping one to be self-confident when interacting with others, and reducing self-consciousness and alleviating anxiety in stressful situations, for example during public speaking


  • Inspiring qualities of authority and leadership; creating a sense of personal power


  • Inciting joy, excitement, curiosity and passion, thus enhancing pleasure and enjoyment in life, especially when feeling low in spirit and things are difficult to enjoy or feel interested in


  • Rejuvenating and restoring passion in romantic relationships by enhancing feelings of love, passion, and desire


  • Expanding one's imagination and creativity, providing creative inspiration and encouraging one to think outside of the box, helping one to think of new ideas, helping one to dream big, and have the passion and courage to follow one's dreams

Carnelian Chakras

Carnelian Crystals are said to be powerful Chakra Healing Stones (Chakra Healing Crystals) with multiple metaphysical properties

Carnelian Crystals with deep orange and red hues resonate strongly with the Sacral Chakra, and therefore can be used as Sacral Chakra Crystals to enhance joy, vitality, and pleasure.

The Sacral Chakra is the body's centre of creativity, passion, and bravery, and thus Carnelian Crystals embody these properties. 

Carnelian Crystals also resonate well with the Root Chakra (Base Chakra), with dark, deep Red Carnelian Crystals being the most potent types of Carnelian to use as Root Chakra Crystals.

Furthermore, Carnelian Crystals connect strongly to the Solar Plexus Chakra, with light Orange Carnelian Crystals and Yellow Carnelian Crystals being the most powerful Carnelians to use as Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals

Carnelian: Root Chakra Stone

Carnelian (Cornelian) has a powerful connection to the Root Chakra (Base Chakra): it is said to help people remain grounded in reality when striving to reach their high hopes and dreams, ensuring people can safely reach for the stars and access their full potential without being swept away chasing impossible ideals. 

When used as a Root Chakra Stone, a Carnelian Stone (Cornelian Stone) grounds, protects, and stabilises its user, steadying them on their personal journeys of growth and transformation. 

Dark Red Carnelian Stones are the most potent types of Carnelian to use as Root Chakra Stones, and thus are the best Carnelian Gemstones for stabilisation, protection, and grounding.

Combine a Carnelian Crystal (Cornelian Crystal) with a crystal that connects to the higher chakras (Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra); such as Amethyst, Fluorite, or Indigo Gabbro; to keep you stable and grounded even as you explore psychic, astral, and spiritual realms. 

Carnelian represents the physical realities of flesh and body, and is therefore the perfect Chakra Stone to use to balance the lower chakras and higher chakras when exploring the realms of mind, soul, and spirit; Carnelian is the harmonising tether that grounds one to their physical body during spiritual endeavours. 

Combine a Carnelian Stone with a Moss Agate Stone (Tree Agate Stone) or Cherry Blossom Agate Stone (Flower Agate Stone) to connect more deeply to the Root Chakra and tap into the natural power of elemental Earth Energy, whilst maintaining the rush of elemental Fire Energy characteristic of Carnelian

Carnelian: Sacral Chakra Stone

Orange Carnelian Stones and Red Carnelian Stones are highly associated with the Sacral Chakra and are incredibly energising when used as Sacral Chakra Stones, evoking a physical sense of passion, pleasure, and creativity.

Sacral Chakra Stones such as Carnelian Crystals (Cornelian Crystals) are highly motivating and associated with carnal pleasures, sexuality, joy, and desire. 

Carnelian CrystalsCarnelian Agate Crystals, and Sardonyx Banded Agate Crystals are great examples of powerful Sacral Chakra Crystals

Use a Carnelian Crystal with another Sacral Chakra Crystal, such as a Banded Agate Crystal, Citrine Crystal, or Sunstone Crystal to enhance the potency of feelings of joy, willpower, and passion. 

You can also use a Carnelian Crystal with another Sacral Chakra Stone (other Sacral Chakra Crystals include Orange Calcite Crystals and Tiger's Eye Crystals), to give your creativity a big boost if you're feeling lacking in inspiration and creative spirit. 

Carnelian: Solar Plexus Chakra Stone

Carnelian Stones, especially Light Orange Carnelian Stones and Yellow Carnelian Stones, exude a sunny, joyful energy which energises and lifts one's mood, and therefore connect strongly to the Solar Plexus Chakra.

When used as a Solar Plexus Chakra Stone, a Carnelian Stone can boost motivation, will-power, and self-confidence. 

Combine a Carnelian Crystal with a Yellow Agate Crystal or another Solar Plexus Chakra Crystal such as a Citrine Crystal, Yellow Quartz Crystal (Golden Healer Quartz Crystal), or Sunstone Crystal to infuse yourself with the summery energy of sunshine, happiness, and confidence. 

How Hard Is Carnelian?

Carnelian measures 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness, which means that it is a durable, relatively hard mineral resistant to some scratching, but care should still be taken not to damage the crystal surface. 

Carnelian Crystal Care

To clean your Carnelian Crystal, simply use water and dry it afterwards with a soft cloth. 

Carnelian Crystal Collections

This Large Carnelian Agate Crystal Pebble (Large Cornelian Agate Crystal Pebble) is ideal for the crystal collector or crystal healer, and would make a wonderful crystal gift for loved ones.

Carnelian Gemstones (Cornelian Gemstones) are of particularly interest to those born in July, for Carnelian is a July Birthstone, and also to those affiliated with the Virgo Zodiac Sign, for Carnelian is the Zodiac Birthstone for Virgo Signs

The Large Carnelian Agate Palm Stone (Large Cornelian Agate Palm Stone) is incredibly vibrant in colour and tactile to hold, and is very similar to a Banded Agate Crystal or Sardonyx Crystal, which it would make a great companion piece to. 

Each Carnelian Agate Crystal (Cornelian Agate Crystal) is truly unique due to their individual mineral inclusions, colours, and patterns.

We hope you enjoy collecting a variety of specimens of this gorgeous Carnelian Agate Stone (Cornelian Agate Stone)!

Buy Carnelian Agate Crystals Online at Madagascan Direct. 

Product Reference Number: 16278

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