2024 Year In Review & 2025 Goals At Madagascan Direct
A Year Of Selling Crystals And Fossils: A Look Back At 2024, And A Look Forwards To The Future Of Madagascan Direct In 2025
2024 was a big year for Madagascan Direct, with a new website, new products, new social media and more.
We are excited to review what we've been doing this year, just in time for moving onto new things in 2025.
So what was new this year? And what are our goals for 2025?
New Website, But Same Madagascan Direct
From the start of the year onwards, we were working hard to begin transitioning to a new website hosting platform.
This was a big undertaking, but we were able to finally go live with the new site at the start of August 2024, which is now hosted by Shopify.
We hope that you find the website clear and easy to use, but we understand that it is a big change, so please contact us if you are struggling: we are always happy to help, and while our website may have changed, we the people behind it haven't!
Website Changes Going Into 2025
Going into 2025, alongside adding new content daily to our new website, we will be working on transferring and updating more content from the old website such as blog posts, so please bear with us as we get everything up to date.
We will be adding more information about us and our products, and answers to your questions by creating a FAQ page for frequently asked questions.
We always welcome customer feedback, and are endeavouring to make customer experience at Madagascan Direct the best that it can be; please feel free to message us any suggestions about how we could improve your experience on the website, or what you would like to see us add to the website.
New Payment Options At Madagascan Direct
Madagascan Direct can now provide a larger range of payment options online.
Our Payment Options continue to include our traditional payment methods:
- PayPal
- Debit Card
- Credit Card
Madagascan Direct now also offers accelerated payment methods through certain services and digital wallets, including:
- Shop Pay
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
Madagascan Direct has also introduced the option for "Buy Now, Pay Later" (BNPL) via Klarna for even more payment flexibility.
New Madagascan Direct Shop App For Mobile
Now that the Madagascan Direct website is being hosted by Shopify, we also had the opportunity to create our store on the Shop app for you to browse on your mobile phone.
Going into 2025, we will be working on improving the organisation of our storefront on the Shop app to make it even easier for you to find the crystals, fossils, and jewellery you want to buy.
New Social Media For Madagascan Direct
Madagascan Direct is a small family team, and this means that we sometimes don't have the time to focus on the areas of the business that we'd like to, such as social media.
We know that this year, we haven't been as active as we'd like on our existing social media accounts at:
However, as 2024 draws to a close, we have started to dedicate time again to updating our social media presence, as we know that for many of you, this is the best ways to be informed of important information about new crystals and fossils, new blog posts, and new offers and sales, amongst many other things.
We have also created a new social media account on Pinterest, which we will be regularly updating to share a gallery of the types of crystals, fossils, and jewellery we have to offer you, including our most stunning specimens we have had over the years.
Madagascan Direct Social Media Goals Going Into 2025
Going into 2025, we at Madagascan Direct will be revamping our old social media accounts, particularly Facebook and Instagram, and adding fresh content that's both relevant to you and exciting for you.
We will be continuing to optimise our new Pinterest page, especially by making unique Pinterest boards about crystals, gemstones, and fossils.
We will also be looking into posting videos to Youtube again, as we have not done this for a long time.
Finally, we will be potentially branching out into other social media if there is interest- please let us know if there's somewhere else you'd like to see us!
New Trustpilot Reviews For Madagascan Direct
Having been sellers of crystals and fossils for over three decades, both through our wholesale crystals and fossils business Hidden Earth Ltd, and our online crystals and fossils retail shop Madagascan Direct, we know that business integrity is paramount.
We value our customers and want to ensure honesty, openness and transparency about us, our story, our ethics, and our customer satisfaction.
In late 2024, we set up a Madagascan Direct Trustpilot Reviews page, as we were aware that this is an area we had neglected to foster.
We have been very happy with the feedback so far, and are thankful for the people who have taken the time to share their feedback with us as a review.
Moving into 2025: Improved Information About Madagascan Direct
Moving into 2025, we at Madagascan Direct will be focusing on sharing more of our story, and widening the opportunities for customers to share their experiences with us and the rest of the world.
We will be looking to integrate our new Trustpilot reviews system with Google reviews, to increase the ease and flexibility of leaving us a public review.
We will also be looking at adding more information to our About Us page, including statements about our ethics policies, and an FAQ section.