Brown Nautilus Fossil With Spiral Shell

Nautilus Fossils Information

Let's take a look at the wonderful world of Nautilus Fossils!

Brown Nautilus Fossil

What Are Nautilus Fossils?

Nautilus fossils are the fossilised remains of ancient marine molluscs of the Nautilus family, which is a part of the cephalopod class of molluscs along with octopuses, squid, and Ammonites.

Nautilus fossils are famed for their stunning coiled, spiral-patterned shells and colourful internal chambers full of striking mineral replacements

White Nautilus Fossil

Other Mollusc Fossils And Cephalopod Fossils

There are many examples of ancient molluscs which have formed the brilliant fossils we are still discovering today. 

Alongside Nautilus Fossils, other mollusc fossils include:

How Old Are Nautilus Fossils?

Nautilus fossils for sale at Madagascan Direct are fossils from the Cretaceous Period, meaning that they are approximately 120 million years old!

The Cretaceous Period was a time when the seas were full of living Ammonites and Nautilus creatures, and eventually their shells fossilised into the stunning fossil specimens found today.

Nautilus Fossils first appeared on the fossil record around 235 million years ago, in the Late Triassic Period (Upper Triassic Period). 

However, Nautilus creatures are said to have been swimming the Earth's oceans as long as 500 million years ago!

Brown Nautilus Fossil

Nautilus Fossils: Living Fossils

Nautilus molluscs still exist in the present day, and they inhabit the deep coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific Ocean as living fossils, a stunning remnant of the world's ancient past. 

Over the 500 million years that Nautilus creatures have existed, the Nautilus family has undergone little change or evolution.

The minimal change to the Nautilus family over time means that the living Nautilus creatures of our modern world are very similar to the Nautilus creatures that lived millions of years ago; the same creatures whose Nautilus shells were fossilised into the ancient Nautilus Fossils we are still discovering today. 

Therefore, the live Nautilus creatures of our present time are called "Living Fossils": a rare type of creature which is very similar in biology to its ancient fossil relatives

Ammonites, another famous type of Cephalopod fossil, are completely extinct, so Nautilus are the only Cephalopods with an external shell that swim the seas in the modern world. 

Large White Nautilus Fossil

Where Do Nautilus Fossils Come From?

Nautilus fossils for sale at Madagascan Direct are Nautilus fossils from Madagascar, and were found in the jungles of Mahajanga on the North West coast of the island.

Madagascar is an island off the coast of Africa known for its unparalleled riches of fossils and crystals

Madagascar fossils and crystals are renowned world-wide for their quality, with Madagascan Nautilus fossils being some of the most revered, highest-quality Nautilus fossils on Earth. 

Brown Nautilus Fossil

What Do Nautilus Fossils Look Like?

Nautilus Fossils display rich caramel and brown colours in intricate striped patterns.

These colours were caused by colourful calcite minerals replacing the original organic material present in the live Nautilus during the fossilisation process. 

Brown Nautilus Fossil

Some Nautilus fossils display striped black shells: these stunning black hues were caused by natural oil seeping into the shells, colouring the Calcite. 

Nautilus specimens available at Madagascan Direct have been carefully hand-polished to the highest grade, enhancing the vivid colours of their shells. 

Black Nautilus Fossil

Nautilus Biology: Chambered Nautilus

The famous Chambered Nautilus (Nautilus Pompilius) has an external shell which protects the chambers within. 

As the Nautilus creature grows, its chambers expand outwards in a stunning spiral shape. 

The Nautilus body remains in the hard, outermost chamber so that it can be protected, and the other chambers are used to enable the Nautilus to float and sink. 

Brown Nautilus Fossil

Named after the Ancient Greek term for "sailor", Chambered Nautilus creatures are incredibly buoyant. 

When the Nautilus is floating towards the surface of the ocean, the chambers are full of gas, helping the creature to float.

When the Nautilus needs to sink, a tube called the siphuncle that runs through the chambers opens, flooding the chambers with water so that the Nautilus becomes heavier and able to sink. 

Brown Nautilus Fossil

Compared to squid and octopus, Nautilus creatures have many more tentacles (more accurately known as cirri) which they use to ensnare their prey. 

As carnivores, Nautilus creatures feed on fish and crustaceans: they swim towards prey using jet propulsion, meaning water inside their chambers is forcefully pushed out to propel them in their desired directions.  

Brown Nautilus Fossil

Sacred Geometry Of Nautilus Shells

In sacred geometry, the spiral shape has powerful spiritual significance, and signifies growth and expansion.

As Nautilus shells display distinctive logarithmic spiral shapes, Nautilus fossils embody this spiritual meaning of growth too. 

Brown Nautilus Fossil

A Nautilus shell is patterned in a very similar way to the sacred Golden Mean Spiral, a symbol of the infinite Fibonacci Sequence and the revered Golden Ratio. 

As a result, Nautilus shells are believed to be strongly symbolic of order and perfection in not just the natural world, but the entire universe.

Ammonite shells are also thought to be sacred for this reason. 

Large White Nautilus Fossil

Nautilus Shells: Literature And Interior Design

The Nautilus has been an important symbol in art and literature, with poetry and music inspired by its beautiful shell.

The Victorians particularly revered the Nautilus, and Nautilus shells were prized aspects of interior design. 

Brown Nautilus Fossil

Nautilus Fossils For Sale At Madagascan Direct

At Madagascan Direct, we pride ourselves on our range of high-grade Polished Nautilus Fossils.

Our Nautilus specimens display vibrant, colourful shells, and have been prepared expertly by hand. 

With a storied history to tell, a Nautilus Fossil would make an ideal gift for a fossil collector, or as an impressive piece of home decor. 

Buy Nautilus Fossils Online at Madagascan Direct. 

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