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Polychrome Jasper Polished Freeform from Madagascar, displaying blue and tangerine…
Polychrome Jasper Polished Freeform from Madagascar, displaying tangerine and orange…
Labradorite Freeform shape beautifully impressive showing a stunning mix of vibrant…
Labradorite Freeform shape showing a lovely mix of vivid gold and mixed blue colours…
Labradorite Freeform shape showing a stunning mix of vibrant gold and electric blue…
Labradorite Freeform shape showing a stunning mix of vibrant gold and green colours…
Labradorite Freeform shape and showing a stunning mix of gorgeous blue, gold and green…
Labradorite Freeform shape and showing a stunning mix of dazzling blue, gold and green…
Labradorite Freeform shape tall and showing a stunning mix of blue and golden colours…
Labradorite Freeform shape showing a beautiful mix of lovely green and blue colours…
Labradorite Freeform shape showing a beautiful mix of vibrant colours flashing from…
Labradorite Freeform shape showing a beautiful mix of stunning colours flashing from…
Rostellum Bi-valve, hand-polished 8.3cm long fossil for sale from Madagascar. This…
Rostellum Bi-valve, hand-polished 6.1cm long fossil for sale from Madagascar. This…
Rostellum Bi-valve, hand-polished 6cm long fossil for sale from Madagascar. This fantastic…
Rostellum Bi-valve, hand-polished 4.5cm long fossil for sale from Madagascar. This…
Fossil Wood Slice, polished showing beautiful cream and brown coloured jaspers which…
Perisphinctes Ammonite, fossil for sale from Madagascar. This eye-catching fossil measures…
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